What is Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA)?
Ayushman Bharat Health Account (ABHA) is a unique 14-digit number that identifies, authenticates and threads the health records of a person as per the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission (ABDM). Previously known as the Health ID, ABHA allows a user to access and share medical records with their consent across participating health professionals, healthcare providers and other stakeholders.
ABHA also allows people to interact with participating doctors & healthcare providers and obtain prescriptions, diagnostic test reports, etc. seamlessly. It ensures that a created medical record is issued to the correct person and consent is obtained before the records are shared with other stakeholders within India’s digital health ecosystem.
In short, ABHA is a hassle-free way of storing, accessing and sharing medical records digitally.
Why Should You Create Your ABHA Number?
Take a look at some of the top reasons why you must create your ABHA number:
Moreover, the feature of creating an ABHA number for your child and adding a nominee to access your ABHA number will be launched soon.
How to Create Your ABHA Number?
Individuals can create their ABHA through Docprime in 5 easy steps: